Another important document that should be part of your estate planning is a Health Care Proxy. A Health Care Proxy allows you to name someone you know and trust to make health care decisions for you if you become unable to make or communicate those decisions. Under the Massachusetts Health Care Proxy Law you, as the Principal, may appoint any adult as your Health Care Agent except the administrator, operator, or employee of a health care facility such as a hospital or nursing home where you are a patient or resident unless your chosen Agent is related to you by blood, marriage, or adoption.
The appointment of a Health Care Agent allows that person to act for you if you are temporarily unconscious, in a coma, or have some other condition in which prevents you from making or communicating your health care decisions. Your Agent also has the ability to get any medical information that is necessary to make informed health care decisions for you. Importantly, however, your Health Care Agent can only make decisions about your health care when it is determined by a medical professional that you are unable to make those decisions yourself. Additionally, your Agent will only make health care decisions for you after speaking with your doctor or health care providers and considering the options regarding your diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment options. Once your doctor or other health care professional has determined that you lack the ability to make health care decisions, if you still object to any decision made by your Agent, your own decisions will be honored unless a Court determines that you lack capacity to make health care decisions.
Personal health care decisions are among the most important in an individual’s life; it’s imperative to ensure that decisions about your health care are left to an individual that you trust if you are unable to make or communicate your health care wishes yourself. Please contact Attorney Kayla E. Boehlen at (413) 730-4455 or kayla@law-eb.com to discuss drafting a Health Care Proxy as part of your complete estate plan.